A Word from Our Founder
When I founded this company, it was my intent then to give our customers the very best service available, anywhere. While we have grown and diversified over the years, that aim has not and will not change.
The same philosophy is reflected by our technicians, who not only take great pride in a job well done, but don’t consider a job done by just treating the surface symptoms without find the root cause.
We want and appreciate your business. Let us show you what a difference attitude, experience, and training can make.

The Gibbs Story

These words written by company founder Huey Gibbs (1935-2005) are as true to day as when he penned them. Since 1971, Gibbs Service Company Inc. has been a leader and innovator in the HVAC industry. From the first full-service maintenance/repair contract agreement in Arkansas, until today, our goal is to exceed your expectations in the operation, efficiency, & longevity of your HVAC equipment.
Our technicians continually enroll in the latest technical and safety training, to assure you, the client, that Gibbs is ready to serve your needs. Our remarkable retention rate of service technicians, office staff, and clients is an indicator of the difference attitude, training, and experience can make.

Office Information:
8200 Industry Drive
P.O. Box 15776
North Little Rock, AR 72231
Office: (501) 945-9382
Toll Free: (888) 871-4422
24/7 After-Hours Service: (501) 378-7027
Fax: (501) 945-9782
AR HVAC License #0951339
Let's Get Started:
If you are a business or own a commercial building, we would love to provide a quote for your HVAC contract.